在企业中执行批量部署可以有效的降低IT人员个工作量,其诸多优势我就不再复述。但是我们可能会遭遇到这样的场景,企业中的计算机都随机预装OEM版的XP,那么当我们需要重新为这些计算机部署系统时,当然会选择随机的 OEM XP 光盘进行安装部署以保证合法授权,可是在批量部署时必需的一个关键步骤 Sysprep后,OEM XP 的 Mini 安装过程里无论输入 COA 上的序列号还是光盘文件中包含的序列号都替是无效。这个问题困扰了我很长一段时间,最近在 WindowsITPro 论坛上终于有网友回复了那篇老早的帖子,让我在 Microsoft TechNet librar 上找到了最终的答案。

Preserving OEM Pre-Activation when Re-installing Windows XP
Updated: April 20, 2005
By Stephanie Ybarra

Large PC Manufacturers known as Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) have the ability to pre-activate Microsoft® Windows XP software installed on new PCs. As a result, end users are typically not required to activate the software during the set up process by typing in the product key found on the Certificate of Authenticity attached to the PC (COA Key).

In order to reduce a significant source of piracy, Microsoft has disabled online activation for COA Keys that are attached to PCs that have been pre-activated by OEMs. This change should have a minimal impact on licensed users who generally do not use their COA Key to activate the software because it has been pre-activated by the OEM. However, if a licensed end user needs to activate because the OEM pre-activation does not work as expected (e.g., after the replacement of a defective motherboard) they can do so via phone-based activation.

To help minimize the potential impact on licensed users, this whitepaper provides steps licensed end users can take to preserve OEM pre-activation when reinstalling the operating system using any of the four scenarios outlined below (sysprep, OOBEinfo, manual and unattended).

The following product keys should be substituted for XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX in the solutions discussed below.

Windows XP Professional 32 bit
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition
Windows XP Professional x64 bit

For any of the solutions outlined below, you can verify that the OEM pre-activation has been preserved by clicking Start -> Run and typing %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /A and then click OK. If the procedure was successful, a message indicating that Windows has already been activated will be displayed.

Note: Instead of implementing any of the solutions outlined below, Volume License customers can use Volume License media to install the same operating system that was licensed from an OEM without acquiring a volume license for a PC being re-imaged. More information about this option is available here under “Re-Imaging Rights”: http://www.microsoft.com/licensing/resources/volbrief.mspx. Because Volume License agreements do not provide a full operating system license, Windows licenses should be acquired as part of the PC purchase from the PC manufacturer.

I. Using “sysprep –reseal –mini” Command
OEM pre-activation can be preserved when Sysprep.exe is run to reseal the system using the –reseal – mini switches by following these steps.

Ensure the following three files are present in the C:\Sysprep folder: sysprep.exe, setupcl.exe, and factory.exe. These files can be found in the deploy.cab which can be downloaded from the Microsoft® download center available at this location:


Create a file named sysprep.inf using a text editor such as Notepad that contains the information shown below substituting the appropriate product key.


Save the sysprep.inf file in the c:\sysprep\ folder.

Run c:\sysprep –reseal –mini

For more information on the sysprep process, please visit

II. Making changes to the OOBEinfo.ini file
OEM pre-activation can be preserved if changes are made to the OOBEinfo.ini file by ensuring that the %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\oobe\oobeinfo.ini file contains the information shown below but substituting the appropriate product key.


III. Manual Install
OEM pre-activation can be preserved when doing a manual installation by inserting the appropriate product key listed above when prompted for a product key by Windows setup. If you run sysprep –reseal –mini following the manual install, you will need to follow the steps outlined in Section I.

IV. Unattended Install
OEM pre-activation can be preserved if you use an unattended answer file (Unattend.txt or Winnt.sif) to automate installation by including the information shown below in the answer file substituting the appropriate product key listed above. If you run sysprep –reseal –mini following an unattended install, you will need to follow the steps outlined in Section I.


For more information on sysprep process, please visit


Windows Deployment | 评论(24) | 引用(2) | 阅读(27006)
2007/11/28 16:03
I. Using “sysprep –reseal –mini” Command
OEM pre-activation can be preserved when Sysprep.exe is run to reseal the system using the –reseal – mini switches by following these steps.

Ensure the following three files are present in the C:\Sysprep folder: sysprep.exe, setupcl.exe, and factory.exe. These files can be found in the deploy.cab which can be downloaded from the Microsoft® download center available at this location:


Create a file named sysprep.inf using a text editor such as Notepad that contains the information shown below substituting the appropriate product key.


Save the sysprep.inf file in the c:\sysprep\ folder.

Run c:\sysprep –reseal –mini

For more information on the sysprep process, please visit
2007/11/27 19:05
我试过了 DELL OEM XP 的序列号放在 sysprep中 还是无法自动填写序列号,需要手动填写
2007/11/27 09:18
to:s****qq,key 应该在 sysprep.inf 里
snakeqq Email
2007/11/27 06:40
很高兴能在这里找到我需要的 可惜 我看不懂  希望得到 你的帮助
我也是适用的OEM XP 序列号无法在sysprep中自动填写 由于我的英文不好 所以 还是不清楚应该 把KEY 放在什么地方
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