Renew 2008 MVP 征得太太同意为自己在微软商店选购了这款瑞士军表——Victorinox Swiss Army Base Camp,价格不菲!事后老爸还是给与跟定,男人应该有块像样的手表。
之前有很多 MVP 都购买了这块手表,但是好像都没分享出来照片,这次订购也是鼓足很大勇气买的,不过结果很让人兴奋,这块表确实非常不错,不花哨很稳重,非常有分量,外观也很大气男士佩戴很合适!不过唯一不足的就是表带有些单薄,但是我个人感觉可以接受。

In 1897 the Original Swiss Army Knife was created in the small village of Ibach,Switzerland. Since that time,Victorinox has become known in more than 100 countries for precision,quality,functionality and versatility.
This century old heritage has been extended to Victorinox Swiss Army Timepieces.Each reflects the ingenious design and outstanding durability we've come to stand for over the years.Uncompromising craftsmanship makes these timepieces worthy to carry the Cross and Shield emblem that symbolizes the legend of Victorinox and the Victorinox Swiss Army Brand.
Whether you're going around the corner or around the globe,our classically styled timepieces will make sure that you're equipped for life's adventures.NO matter what those adventures might be.
Made in Switzerland
Precision Swiss Movements
Individually tested for water resistance;most are 100M (330 feet)
Solid stainless steel cases and/or bracelets on most models
Scrath-resistant mineral or sapphire crystals
这款为啥会比人家这里的Base Camp难看那么多?shit!还要129.99,不知道剩下20.01要买啥好!