
HOWTO: 通过 GPO 限制访问 Windows 设置

        Windows 控制面板一直以来都是作为设置 Windows 系统选项的重要入口,但随着 Windows 系统的不断发展它正被被全新的 Windows “设置”所替代。如果你正在使用 Windows 10 v1703 会发现进入控制面板已经变得“不那么容易”,以往通过右键单击开始图标已经再也找不到控制面板的踪影,取而代之的是“设置”。使用新的“设置”面板可以直接从命令行直接进行调用,例如在运行中输入“ms-settings:”或“ms-settings:batterysaver”,而且新的“设置”也满足了统一架构的需求,试想同一 Windows 核心的移动端系统是使用传统的控制面板方便,还是全新的“设置”方便呢?结果一目了然!


        在对“设置”有了大致的了解后,下面就要分享本文的重点,Windows 10 的增长速度有目共睹,昨晚的 Build 2017 大会上公布的最新数据显示全球已有5亿的 Windows 10 用户,而企业环境中的占有率也在不断上升,对于 Windows ITer 的挑战之一,在部署 Windows 10 后如何按照合规性要求来限制用户访问新的 Windows 设置呢?!

        非常有价值的问题,而该问题已有了解决方案,利用 GPO 的“设置页面可见性”就可以轻松的实现。该设置位于“计算机配置”-“管理模板”-“控制面板”,提供了两种设置模式:showonly - 只显示指定的设置;hide - 隐藏指定的设置。


        例如 gOxiA 为“设置页面可见性”添加“showonly:bluetooth”,那么 Windows 所有设置中将仅保留“设备”设置,如下图所示(PS:截图环境为英文):


        现在已经知道如何通过 GPO 来限制访问 Windows 设置,那么每项设置具体对应的名称可从微软官方网站获取:,为了方便查询,也单独copy了一份在文末。

Category Settings page Supported SKUs URI
Home page Landing page for Settings Both ms-settings:
System Display Both ms-settings:screenrotation
Notifications & actions Both ms-settings:notifications
Phone Mobile only ms-settings:phone
Messaging Mobile only ms-settings:messaging
Battery Saver Both
Only available on devices that have a battery, such as a tablet
Battery use Both
Only available on devices that have a battery, such as a tablet
Power & sleep Desktop only ms-settings:powersleep
About Both ms-settings:about
Encryption Both ms-settings:deviceencryption
Offline Maps Both ms-settings:maps
Devices Default camera Mobile only ms-settings:camera
Bluetooth Both ms-settings:bluetooth
Connected Devices Desktop only ms-settings:connecteddevices
Mouse & touchpad Both
Touchpad settings only available on devices that have a touchpad
Network & Wireless NFC Both ms-settings:nfctransactions
Wi-Fi Both ms-settings:network-wifi
Airplane mode Both ms-settings:network-airplanemode
Network & Internet Data usage Both ms-settings:datausage
Cellular & SIM Both ms-settings:network-cellular
Mobile hotspot Both ms-settings:network-mobilehotspot
Proxy Desktop only ms-settings:network-proxy
Status Desktop only ms-settings:network-status
Personalization Personalization (category) Both ms-settings:personalization
Background Desktop only ms-settings:personalization-background
Colors Both ms-settings:personalization-colors
Sounds Mobile only ms-settings:sounds
Lock screen Both ms-settings:lockscreen
Accounts Access work or school Both ms-settings:workplace
Email & app accounts Both ms-settings:emailandaccounts
Family & other people Both ms-settings:otherusers
options Both ms-settings:signinoptions
Sync your settings Both ms-settings:sync
Other people Both ms-settings:otherusers
Your info Both ms-settings:yourinfo
Time and language Date & time Both ms-settings:dateandtime
Region & language Desktop only ms-settings:regionlanguage
Ease of Access Narrator Both ms-settings:easeofaccess-narrator
Magnifier Both ms-settings:easeofaccess-magnifier
High contrast Both ms-settings:easeofaccess-highcontrast
Closed captions Both ms-settings:easeofaccess-closedcaptioning
Keyboard Both ms-settings:easeofaccess-keyboard
Mouse Both ms-settings:easeofaccess-mouse
Other options Both ms-settings:easeofaccess-otheroptions
Privacy Location Both ms-settings:privacy-location
Camera Both ms-settings:privacy-webcam
Microphone Both ms-settings:privacy-microphone
Motion Both ms-settings:privacy-motion
Speech, inking & typing Both ms-settings:privacy-speechtyping
Account info Both ms-settings:privacy-accountinfo
Contacts Both ms-settings:privacy-contacts
Calendar Both ms-settings:privacy-calendar
Call history Both ms-settings:privacy-callhistory
Email Both ms-settings:privacy-email
Messaging Both ms-settings:privacy-messaging
Radios Both ms-settings:privacy-radios
Background Apps Both ms-settings:privacy-backgroundapps
Other devices Both ms-settings:privacy-customdevices
Feedback & diagnostics Both ms-settings:privacy-feedback
Update & security For developers Both ms-settings:developers
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