
微软发布 Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013 正式版

        在 Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2 上市之后没几天,新版 Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013(MDT2013)也随即发布。

        MDT2013 除了修复已知问题,还增加了对 Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2 的支持,同时也增加了对 ConfigMgr 2012 R2 的支持。

        但是需要特别注意的是,MDT2013 将只支持 Windows 7 或以上版本的系统部署,加入您当前的企业环境还需要部署 Windows XP 或 Vista,并使用 ConfigMgr 2007 或 2012 SP1 版本,那么请保留 MDT 2012 Update 1。

        下面是 MDT2013 更新信息:


DeployWiz_LanguageUI.xml. Fixed Brazilian Portugese keyboard layout references.  

LTIApply.wsf. Fixed issues with UEFI x86 and UEFI prestaged media deployments.  

InternationalSettings.xml. Fixed Russian Standard Time text to correctly indicate UTC+04:00.  

OSDBranding(x64).vbs. Added logic to ensure only app variables are branded to the registry.  

ServerManager.xml. Updated role list to add Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 roles and features, removed entries for OSes that are no longer supported.  

ZTIDataAccess.vbs. Modified logic to try all ConfigMgr R2 network access accounts.  

ZTIExecuteRunbook.vbs. Modified logic to try all ConfigMgr R2 network access accounts.  

ZTIOSRole.wsf. Added logic to install Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 roles and features.  

ZTIPSUtility.vbs. Modified logic to handle new PowerShell versions.  

ZTISupportedPlatforms.xml. Modified to match OS versions supported by MDT 2013.  

ZTIUtility.vbs. Modified logic to try all ConfigMgr R2 network access accounts.  

Task sequence templates

SCCM_Client.xml, SCCM_Server.xml. Fixed UEFI format steps to set OSDTemporaryDrive and OSDisk variables, removed Windows XP/Server 2003 format steps.  

Other files

BDDAdminDB.sql. Modified the application field name to allow for names up to 255 characters.  

Unattend_(x86/x64).xml. Removed IE welcome page setting, added replacement IE settings.  

GPO packs. Removed all the GPO packs.  

Bug fixes

Fixed error while updating winpeshl.ini when DaRT is included in boot images.  

Fixed issue with locating DaRT remote control viewer.  

Removed ConfigMgr 2007 from integration wizard.

Download_Symbol windows_symbol_clr_56x56 Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2013

        从现有 MDT 版本升级方式安装 MDT 2013 时需要注意,在安装前请先卸载 Windows ADK 8,并安装最新发布的 Windows ADK 8.1,否则在安装后打开部署点时会出现警告,并拒绝执行操作。如下图所示:





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