WS08-R2_v_rgb Linux Integration Services v2.1

        今天微软发布了 Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V R2 面向 Linux 的集成组件 v2.1 版本。在 Linux 虚拟机上安装该组件后将大幅提高其 Guest OS 的整体性能。

        Linux Integration Services v2.1 以 VMbus 总线基准进行开发,为 Hyper-V 下的 Linux 虚拟机提供了 synthetic network controller 和 synthetic storage controller 的支持。

        下面是 Integration Services v2.1 的主要功能和改进:

  • Fastpath Boot Support: Boot devices now take advantage of the storage VSC to provide enhanced performance.
  • Timesync: The clock inside the virtual machine will remain synchronized with the clock on the host.
  • Integrated Shutdown: Virtual machines running Linux can be shut down from either Hyper-V Manager or System Center Virtual Machine Manager, using the “Shut Down” command.
  • Symmetric Multi-Processing (SMP) Support: Supported Linux distributions can use up to 4 virtual processors (VP) per virtual machine.
  • Heartbeat: Allows the host to detect whether the guest is running and responsive.
  • Pluggable Time Source: A pluggable clock source module is included to provide a more accurate time source to the guest.

        受支持的 Linux Guest OS:

  • Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP3
  • Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.2 / 5.3 / 5.4 / 5.5

        Integration Services v2.1 的官方下载地址是:

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