logo_mse 微软 WSUS 支持推送 MSE 更新

        当看到这个消息,相信 ITPro 一定会欣喜若狂!如果之前有阅读过《选择 Microsoft Security Essentials 需知的几点注意》,那么就会明白为什么 ITPro 会高兴。但是高兴地不要太早,虽然 WSUS 支持推送 MSE 更新,那么并不代表 MSE 就完全能够适合在企业中部署和使用。下面是 MU and Microsoft Security Essentials Teams 的一篇 Blog 原文:

Microsoft Security Essentials anti-malware definitions now available via WSUS

WSUS admins,

Microsoft Security Essentials antimalware definitions are now available via WSUS. Microsoft Security Essentials is a core antimalware service for consumers and home-based small businesses that Microsoft released in September of 2009. This was done because academic institutions around the world (particularly in Asia) provide students with low cost or free internet access and provide students with update services through WSUS.  Many students are protecting their computers with Security Essentials, and the universities requested that the definition updates be provided via WSUS.

With this change, there is a new product family (Microsoft Security Essentials) and product name (Security Essentials)  WSUS in the admin console.  Note that the addition of this product family and product name is only to accommodate the definition updates for Security Essentials.  This is not a replacement or a rename for any current Microsoft a/v product.

MU and Microsoft Security Essentials teams

        我们通过上文能够了解到,WSUS 推送 MSE 更新的目的是为了满足学生的需求,因为在众多大学内,学生都携带自己的电脑,并安装有 MSE 来保护自己的 PC,因为通常学校都提供有 WSUS 服务,那么他们可以轻松地通过校内的 WSUS 来进行 MSE 的病毒库更新。但是我想更大的意图也可能是通过此方法来占据更多的市场份额,我们不能忽视那些在使用 WSUS 的中小企业和一些组织机构的用户,虽然 MSE 不支持自动化部署,但是通过预安装的方法也是一种可行的部署方式。

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