Windows 7 RTM Code 在 Redmond 交付 OEMs
从微软官方 Blog 获悉,在昨日全球知名并且实力雄厚的计算机制造商汇聚在微软总部 Redmond,从微软手中接过 Windows 7 RTM。标志着在今后的一段时间内,这些计算机厂商将为预装 Windows 7 的计算机上市做最后的准备。同时也告诉我们最终用户,如果不出意外,在 Windows 7 GA(General Availability)日期 — 2009年10月22日,我们便能在市面上看到这些 OEMs 首发的预装了 Windows 7 的计算机。那么微软将 Windows 7 RTM 交付给 OEMs 时的场景又是怎样的呢?!下面我们来看看官方提供的照片。
HP: On right is Sean Kovacs, HP DTO Onsite Engineer. On the left is Titan Fang, HP Systems Engineer.
Toshiba: On the right is Hideki Yagi, Director at Toshiba. On the left is Michael Henry, Global Alliance Manager for Toshiba. On the far left is Greg Taylor from Microsoft and on the far right is Mari Kitajima also with Microsoft.
Lenovo: In the middle is Nicole Hopper from Lenovo. On the left of her is James Hendergart and to her right is Zhan Ding both of Microsoft.
Asus: On the right is Derek Li, Systems Engineer from Asus. On the left is David He from Microsoft.
Acer: On the left is Yifan Li, Engineer from Acer. On the right is Clint Woon from Microsoft.
Dell: On the middle right is Christian Piccini, Software Engineer from Dell. On the far left is Jay Hendricks, Senior Software Engineer from Dell. Second from the left is Phil Burtscher and on the far right is Matt Davis both from Microsoft.
Sony: On the left is Herbert Pang, Program Manager for Sony and on the right is Mina Bush, Software Engineer for Sony.
Fujitsu-Siemens: On the left is Henning Klein, Program Manager for Fujitsu. On the right is Constantine Mitschke-Collande from Microsoft.
了解了上面的照片和信息,相信大家都已经知晓有哪些品牌将在 Windows 7 GA 的首发阵容中,它们可能是大家所熟悉或喜爱的品牌,打算更换计算机的朋友们可要看清楚记下这些牌子了。(PS:貌似首发阵容中的品牌充分地能体现出什么才是大品牌,大实力!很可惜大陆的厂商没有一家,哦!我忽略了 Lenovo,但 Lenovo 还是民族品牌么?貌似他们曾经说过什么……还是看它日后表现吧!)