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mslogo_black[1] 微软正式宣布部分旧产品的支持生命周期

        在 Microsoft Support 网站上的 支持生命周期和政策 里,微软公布了部分旧产品的最新支持生命周期,其中涉及到 Windows XP SP2、Windows 2000 以及 Windows Server 2003。截至到7月13日,微软将停止 Windows XP SP2 和所有版本的 Windows 2000 的支持,Windows Server 2003 将停止主流支持。届时,Windows 2000 和 Windows XP SP2 将正式成为历史。还在使用 Windows XP SP2 的个人与企业建议尽快升级到 Windows XP SP3 或 Windows 7。

        目前还在被广泛使用的 Windows Server 2003 在停止主流支持之后,微软继续提供扩展支持服务到 2015年7月14日。从个人经验来看,2010年下半年 Windows Server 2008 以及 Windows Server 2008 R2 将会替代 Windows Server 2003,进行大规模的部署。(PS:还没有学习 Windows Server 2008 的同学们要抓紧时间了,不要掉队!)



Windows_VPC_compare_MVPC  Windows Virtual PC RTM & Windows XP Mode RTM 向 MSDN & TechNet 订阅者发布

        有关 Windows Virtual PC 的介绍可以参考我之前发布的几篇日志:《Windows Virtual PC & XP Mode 面向应用兼容性问题的终极武器》、《Windows Virtual PC & Windows XP Mode 安装图览》和《Windows Virtual PC 功能概述》,如果你是 MSDN 或 TechNet 的订阅者,那么现在就可以访问订阅网站下载到 Windows Virtual PC 和 Windows XP Mode 的 RTM 版本。


Windows Virtual PC is the latest Microsoft virtualization technology that allows you to run many productivity applications on a virtual Windows environment, with a single click, directly from a Windows 7-based PC.


- Install Windows XP Mode to create a virtual Windows XP SP3 environment.

- Windows Virtual PC requires Windows 7 RTM.

- Before installing the RTM version ensure that you have uninstalled the older version of both Windows Virtual PC and Windows XP Mode and restarted the system.

- Windows Virtual PC requires processor capable of hardware virtualization, with AMD-V™ or Intel® VT turned on in the BIOS.

For more information about Windows Virtual PC, please visit the Windows Virtual PC website.

Windows Virtual PC supports the following 32 bit Guest Operating systems : Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) Professional, Windows Vista Enterprise Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows Vista Ultimate Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows 7 Enterprise.

System Requirements

· Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7 Home Basic, Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Ultimate, and Windows 7 Enterprise.
Note: Windows Virtual PC requires Windows 7 RTM.

· Processor: Processor capable of hardware virtualization, with AMD-V™ or Intel® VT turned on in the BIOS. Pls refer to OEM

· Memory: 2GB of memory recommended.

· Hard disk requirement: 20MB hard disk space for installing Windows Virtual PC. Additional 15GB of hard disk space per virtual Windows environment recommended.

Installation instruction: Based on the architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) of your computer, download the appropriate update package (Windows Virtual PC). Double click on the update package and follow the instructions. Reboot your system to complete installation.

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Windows_VPC_compare_MVPC Windows Virtual PC RC 发布

        在 Windows 7 RTM 即将发布之际,Windows Virtual PC 迎来了 RC。Windows Virtual PC(WPC)更加成熟,从特性列表中,可以了解到 WPC 颗粒化的共享控制机制可以让用户设置那些资源可以用于交互共享访问。并且完全支持 Windows 7 的 Jump List 新特性,使我们能够快速的选择要启动的虚拟应用程序。而且 Windows XP Mode 的安装相比之前的 Beta 更加快速。对差分磁盘我们可以对其压缩以减小体积。此外,在安装完 WPC 首次运行时会运行学习向导,帮助用户了解和掌握 WPC 的操作。

        Windows Virtual PC RC 的改进还是非常明显的,面对貌似“苛刻”的硬件需求,除了功能以外,相信用户更关心的是:“我付出了相对高的硬件代价,那么最终的运行性能是否完全令人满意呢!?”(PS:其实现在买一个具有 VT 技术的 CPU,并不昂贵!gOxiA 刚买的 E5300 就支持 VT 和 EMT64 技术,而且目前的市场散装价格不过 430 元。)

        OK,还是来看看官方就 Windows Virtual PC RC 特性的总结列表。

  • Granular drive sharing
    In the settings on the virtual machine, you can select specific host computer drives to share with the virtual machine.
  • Manage USB devices with virtual applications
    While running virtual applications, you can manage USB devices by using the Virtual Applications icon on the task bar.
  • Windows XP Mode tutorial
    A Windows XP Mode RC tutorial, which introduces the product features, is displayed during Windows XP Mode Setup.
  • Jump list for virtual applications
    Right clicking on the virtual application icon for Windows XP Mode, on Windows 7 taskbar, displays a jump list that allows one to easily launch virtual applications from the taskbar.
  • Faster Windows XP Mode Setup
    Windows XP Mode Setup completes more quickly than in Windows XP Mode Beta.
  • Compact differencing disks
    You can compact the differencing disks to decrease the file size.
  • Ability to install Windows XP optional components
    Windows XP optional components can be installed in Windows XP Mode RC without prompting for Windows XP media.
  • Ability to choose a location to store virtual machine files for Window XP Mode RC
    When you are setting up Windows XP Mode RC, you can choose where to store all virtual machine files for Windows XP Mode RC. The default path is: %LOCALAPPDATA%MicrosoftWindows Virtual PCVirtual Machines.
  • Option to turn off and discard changes when Undo disk is enabled for a virtual machine
    An additional option is available when you are turning off a virtual machine: Turn off and discard changes. This option will delete the current Undo disk, and turn off the virtual machine.

        Windows Virtual PC RC 包含中文版,需要的朋友可以前往官方网站下载体验。下载地址是:http://www.microsoft.com/windows/virtual-pc/download.aspx

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