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在 Windows Server 2008 下安装 Community Clips
在 Windows Server 2008 下安装 Community Clips
Microsoft Office Labs 为广大用户提供了一款实用的桌面操作视频录制软件——Community Clips,通过该工具我们可以轻松地在 Windows 上录制操作视频,用于教学、演示。Community Clips 除了能够录制全屏状态、特定区域,还能录制指定的应用程序。而且能够与 Office 紧密地集成在一起。极大的方便了用户。而且这是一款免费的产品!
因为最近要制作一些指导视频,用于 TechNet 的一个新栏目,所以微软方面向我们相关人员推荐了该款软件,经过简单的试用感觉效果确实非常不错。软件小巧,兼容性当然更没得说,大家所关注的录制性能也是相当令人满意的。由于一些录制内容涉及到 Hyper-V 等服务器的相关操作,于是我在 Native Boot 的 Windows Server 2008 R2 Beta x64 中安装了此工具,没想到软件竟然无法运行,总是自动关闭并进行兼容性检查,以为 Community Clips 不支持 Windows Server 2008 操作系统,于是尝试运行其他录制工具(一款绿色软件),发现能够正常地录制屏幕操作。经过一番思考,认为既然一款第三方程序能够稳定的运行在 Windows Server 2008 上,那么 Community Clips 应该也能够完全正常的运行。经过一番测试,终于在 Windows Server 2008 上成功的安装了 Community Clips,不敢独享特撰写此文与大家分享。
方法其实很简单,只要安装 Desktop Experience 功能即可。为此,打开 Server Manager,切换至 Features,根据向导完成 Desktop Experience 即可。
[Windows 7] 在实体机中使用 Native Boot 从 VHD 引导 Windows Server 2008 R2 Beta x64

之前一直在 Hyper-V 下的虚拟机中进行 Native Boot 测试,效果很不错!最近因为想测试一下 Windows Server 2008 R2 Beta(简称:WS08R2Bx64) 的 Hyper-V,所以决定在自己的 ThinkPad X60 上进行实体机的体验,故想到了使用 Native Boot!早先是在 Hyper-V 上创建了一个 WS08R2Bx64 虚拟机,并执行了通用类型的 sysprep,之后下载到本子上在现有的 Windows 7 上使用 BCDEdit 手工添加了用于 VHD 的引导配置信息。怀着满腔激情重新启动了机器结果……蓝屏了!下面是一段测试视频,因为用 PPC 拍摄的光线不好,望海涵。

虽然从 Vista 开始已经不存在 HAL 问题,而且 Sysprep 也能够清理掉特有的硬件信息,那么此蓝屏应该与硬件驱动无关。不过还是在本地重新建立 VHD,并从 Install.wim 释放对应版本到 VHD 中重新启动,结果一样!很令人费解,所有的操作都没有错,而且虚拟机中测试也是正常的。于是搜索网页终于找到了有关的信息。在 Frank Yu 的 Blog 中提到:“4.根据一些朋友的反馈,动态的VHD文件无法启动,需要在建立vhd是设置成立即分配才可以从vhd启动”,看了几遍没有完全看懂,估计 Frank Yu 打错了部分语句。不过有一点重要的线索就是动态 VHD 可能会造成无法正常启动。这里之所以说“可能会”,是因为本人经过测试证明即使是动态 VHD 也是可以启动地,不过正如现在遇到的故障,可能存在在实体中从 VHD 启动需要使用固定容量的 VHD。
本来想通过 Hyper-V 管理器将现有的 WS08R2Bx64 虚拟机的 VHD 转换成固定容量类型的 VHD,但是实际操作发现,转换后的容量不能小于之前创建得容量值,无奈只能重新创建一个固定容量(Fixed Size)的 VHD,这次的测试结果令人满意,终于成功地在本子上从 VHD 中引导了 WS08R2Bx64,下面可以看一段我的测试视频。

Windows 7 产品版本
Windows 7 产品版本
Windows 7 版本划分的信息已经能够从网上搜索到,最终发布是否会有变动还是未知数。下面的数据源自:http://www.winsupersite.com/win7/win7_skus.asp,从版本特性来看,其中的 Home Premium 以及 Professional 将成为市场的主导产品。在 Vista 时的 Business 版本在 Windows 7 中被 Professional 取而代之。Professional 的回归预示着什么呢?
Windows 7 Starter
Market: Worldwide availability this time but with new PCs only
Key features: Enhanced taskbar, Jump Lists, Windows Media Player, Backup and Restore, Action Center, Device Stage, Play To, Fax and Scan, basic games
What's missing: Aero Glass, many Aero desktop enhancements, Windows Touch, Media Center, Live thumbnail previews, Home Group creation
This version will only be sold through PC makers to users, but unlike with Vista, it will be sold worldwide. This suggests that netbook makers will choose this version, even in the US. As with previous Windows Starter Edition products, it is limited in some ways: You can run only three applications at once, don't get Windows 7's full mobility capabilities, and can participate in but not create a Home Group. Also, there's no Aero Glass.
Windows 7 Home Premium
Market: Mainstream retail market
Key features: Aero Glass, Aero Background, Windows Touch, Home Group creation, Media Center, DVD playback and authoring, premium games, Mobility Center
What's missing: Domain join, Remote Desktop host, advanced backup, EFS, Offline Folders
The volume Windows 7 offering for consumers builds on Starter and includes Mobility Center, Aero Glass, advanced windows navigation features like Aero Snap and Aero Peek, and multi-touch, as well as the ability to both create and participate in Home Groups. Home Premium will be sold at retail and be included with new computers.
Windows 7 Professional
Market: Mainstream retail market
Key features: Domain join, Remote Desktop host, location aware printing, EFS, Mobility Center, Presentation Mode, Offline Folders
What's missing: BitLocker, BitLocker To Go, AppLocker, Direct Access, Branche Cache, MUI language packs, boot from VHD
This volume Windows 7 version builds on Home Premium and adds features like domain join, Group Policy (GP) controls, location aware printing, advanced backup, EFS, and offline folders. Pro will be sold at retail and be included with new computers
Windows 7 Enterprise
Market: Volume-license business customers only
Key features: BitLocker, BitLocker To Go, AppLocker, Direct Access, Branche Cache, MUI language packs, boot from VHD
What's missing: Retail licensing
As before, Enterprise is aimed at Microsoft's Software Assurance (SA) volume license customers. This time, however, Enterprise is a superset of Professional and adds much-heralded Windows 7 features like Direct Access, Branch Cache, BitLocker, and BitLocker To Go.
Windows 7 Ultimate
Market: Retail market, limited availability
Key features: BitLocker, BitLocker To Go, AppLocker, Direct Access, Branche Cache, MUI language packs, boot from VHD
What's missing: Volume licensing
For those few customers who simply must have everything, Windows 7 Ultimate offers all of the features from Enterprise but loses the volume licensing requirement. So you can think of Ultimate edition as Enterprise for consumers (and other retail customers).
Windows 7 Ultimate is kind of a wild-card. It will be available at retail and with new PCs, but Microsoft suggested that it will not be heavily marketed and will instead be "offer-based" via occasional promotions and offers from both PC makers and retailers.
"We're experimenting with the kinds of offers we can make for Windows 7 Ultimate," Veghte said. "It's going to be a low-single digit run rate (i.e. low market share) product. We expect retailers and OEMs to occasionally offer Ultimate with new PCs as part of special promotions. But in terms of run rate, it will be a tiny, tiny percentage of the volume. We will keep the marketing energy on Home Premium and Professional."