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微软发布 Windows Server“8”Beta 下载

        就在微软发布 Windows 8 Consumer Preview 的同时, Windows Server “8”Beta 也随即发布!如果你没有 TechNet 订阅的权限,那么可以访问:下载 Windows Server “8”Beta 获取 ISO 或 VHD,目前 ISO 可用语言版本包括了:简体中文、英语、法语、德语和日语!(PS:真是令人欣慰,我们能够看到微软所做的努力,同时正视了中国用户的重要性!)

        Windows Server“8”Beta 的硬件最低需求如下:

  • Processor: 1.4GHz 64bit
  • Memory: 512MB
  • Available Disk Space: 32GB

        Windows Server“8”Beta 中的新增功能可参考:概述和执行摘要

        Windows Server“8”Beta 的产品指南可参考:产品指南

        目前 Windows Server“8”Beta 评估资源中文站点也已经上线:http://technet.microsoft.com/zh-cn/evalcenter/hh708766,感兴趣的朋友可以浏览以上官方的资料!

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SBS2011Standard Windows Server Solution BPA 迎来2012年2月更新

        2012年2月微软再次更新了 Windows Server Solutions BPA,新添加了 46 个规则的检查及对应的解决方案。目前各 SKU 的总数分别为:

        Small Business Server 2011 Standard Edition 143

        Small Business Server 2011 Essentials             90

        Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials    38

        Windows MultiPoint Server 2011                      7

        下面是摘自官方 Blog 的更新说明:

Small Business Server 2011 Standard Edition

  • ADWSStartModeSection - Active Directory Web Services is not set to the default start mode  
  • ADWSStartedSection - Active Directory Web Services is not started  
  • ADWSStartNameSection - Active Directory Web Services is not the default logon account  
  • ConsoleLogSection - The Console.Log file is larger than 1 GB in size  
  • NoChecksSection - You have completed {0} checks by using the Windows Server Solutions BPA  
  • ModelVersionSection - You are running Windows Server Solutions BPA version {0}  
  • SPSearchStartNameSection - SPSearch account not default account  
  • SPCentAdminAppPoolIdentitySection - The SharePoint Central Admin app pool is not using the spfarm account  
  • SPAcctPassValidSection - The username or password for one or more SharePoint managed account is not valid  
  • SPDBUpgradeSection - Use psconfig.exe to upgrade one or more SharePoint databases  
  • SPUpgradeSection - Use psconfig.exe to upgrade SharePoint  
  • RWALogSection - The RemoteAccess.log file is larger than 1 GB in size  
  • POP3LogSection - The POP3service.log file is larger than 1 GB in size  
  • SMTPRecLogSection - The SmtpReceive log directory is larger than 1 GB in size  
  • SMTPSendLogSection - The SmtpSend log directory is larger than 1 GB in size  
  • DefWebLogDirSection - Default Web site's log directory is over 1gb in size  
  • CompanywebLogDirSection - The Companyweb site log directory is over 1gb in size  
  • SBSSharePointLogDirSection - The log directory for the SBS SharePoint site is larger than 1 GB in size  
  • SAHomeMDBSection - The HomeMDB attribute is not set to the default value  
  • UpdateRollupSection - The most recent Update Rollup is not installed  
  • CASPortSection - CAS port not at default port 443  
  • CASSchemeSection - CAS scheme not default HTTPS  
  • CASAbsolutePathSection - CAS Absolute Path not default  
  • CASHostSection - CAS Host does not match  
  • OABHostSection - OAB Host does not match  
  • EWSHostSection - EWS Host does not match  
  • AutoHostSection - Autodiscover Host does not match  
  • OAnyHostSection - Outlook Anywhere Host does not match  
  • OAnyAuthMethodsSection - Outlook Anywhere authentication settings not default  
  • SSLBindingSection - No binding for SSL on all IP addresses  
  • DefWebSSLBindingSection - No binding for SSL on the Default Web Site  
  • CertExpirationSection - A certificate expires within 30 days  
  • CertSubjectSection - Certificate subject does not match the name configured by a wizard  
  • AutoDiscoverAuthSection - Authentication settings for the /autodiscover virtual directory are not default  
  • WebSvcAuthSection - Authentication settings for the /ews virtual directory are not default  
  • OABAuthSection - Authentication settings for the /OAB virtual directory are not default  
  • RPCAuthSection - Authentication settings for the /rpc virtual directory are not default  
  • RPCWithCertAuthSection - SSL settings for the /RPCWithCert virtual directory are not default  
  • MaxAllowedContentSection - Max allowed content length for the /Rpc virtual directory is not default  
  • MaxAllowedContentWithCertSection - Max allowed content length for the /RpcWithCert virtual directory is not default  
  • PathEnvVarSection - The Path environment variable is missing the Exchange Server bin directory  
  • ExchInstPathEnvVarSection - The ExchangeInstallPath environment variable is missing  
  • DupCNNameSection - One or more user accounts have duplicate CN names  
  • ConflictingWebSiteSection - A different web site is conflicting with the Default Web Site

Small Business Server 2011 Essentials

  • ADWSStartModeSection - Active Directory Web Services is not set to the default start mode  
  • ADWSStartedSection - Active Directory Web Services is not started  
  • ADWSStartNameSection - Active Directory Web Services is not the default logon account  
  • NoChecksSection - You have completed {0} checks by using the Windows Server Solutions BPA  
  • ModelVersionSection - You are running Windows Server Solutions BPA version {0}  
  • RWALogSection - The RemoteAccess.log file is larger than 1 GB in size  
  • DefWebLogDirSection - Default Web site's log directory is over 1gb in size  
  • UpdateRollupSection - The most recent Update Rollup is not installed  
  • SSLBindingSection - No binding for SSL on all IP addresses  
  • DefWebSSLBindingSection - No binding for SSL on the Default Web Site  
  • CertExpirationSection - A certificate expires within 30 days  
  • CertSubjectSection - Certificate subject does not match the name configured by a wizard  
  • ConflictingWebSiteSection - A different web site is conflicting with the Default Web Site

Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials

  • NoChecksSection - You have completed {0} checks by using the Windows Server Solutions BPA  
  • ModelVersionSection - You are running Windows Server Solutions BPA version {0}  
  • RWALogSection - The RemoteAccess.log file is larger than 1 GB in size  
  • DefWebLogDirSection - Default Web site's log directory is over 1gb in size  
  • UpdateRollupSection - The most recent Update Rollup is not installed  
  • SSLBindingSection - No binding for SSL on all IP addresses  
  • DefWebSSLBindingSection - No binding for SSL on the Default Web Site  
  • CertExpirationSection - A certificate expires within 30 days  
  • CertSubjectSection - Certificate subject does not match the name configured by a wizard  
  • ConflictingWebSiteSection - A different web site is conflicting with the Default Web Site

Windows MultiPoint Server 2011

  • NoChecksSection - You have completed {0} checks by using the Windows Server Solutions BPA  
  • ModelVersionSection - You are running Windows Server Solutions BPA version {0}  
  • MMSUpdateRollupSection - An Update Rollup is not installed  
  • RDPUpdateSection - A recommended update is not installed

         如需查看之前的更新说明可访问:Windows Server Solutions BPA Updated September 2011,Windows Server Solutions BPA(Best Practices Analyzer) 1.0 的下载地址是:http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=15556,在安装之前,必须先安装 Microsoft Baseline Configuration Analyzer 2.0,下载地址是:http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=16475

SBS2011Standard HOWTO: 修改并同步 SBS2011 的 SharePoint 账号密码

        在 Windows Small Business Server 2011(SBS2011)中,系统会自动创建三个账号用于 SharePoint 服务,它们是:spfarm,、spsearch 和 spwebapp。用户会因为安全或维护等因素去修改其密码,那么就会导致出现 AD 内设置账号的密码与 SharePoint 无法同步的问题,而会引发服务故障。

        gOxiA 就遇到了类似问题,需要重置三个账号的密码。幸好在微软 SBS 官方 Blog 给出了解决办法。要检查账号是否同步可以打开 SharePoint 2010 Management Shell,然后使用“Repair-SPManagedAccountDeployment”命令进行检查。如果账号密码没有同步,会给类似下图的警告,并会提示使用“Set-SPManagedAccount –UseExistingPassword”命令行修复。


        为了重新修改并同步这些账号的密码,首先需要使用 ADUC 重置账号密码,注意:务必清除“用户下次登录时须更改密码”的选项。


        然后打开 SharePoint 2010 Management Shell 执行“Set-SPManagedAccount –UseExistingPassword”,根据提示键入账号(domainusername)及密码,如下图所示:



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