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[SBS] 解决因安装更新补丁引发的 MSExchangeAB 与 WSUS 端口冲突故障
前几日 gOxiA 将公司的 Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard(SBS2011Std) 系统进行了升级更新,为其安装了 Exhange Server 2010 SP2 和后续的 Update Rollup 2,没想到却出现了问题。在 Update Rollup 2 安装接近结束时,更新进程停止了,日志中一直报 GPO 相关的错误,等待了近半个小时的时间,没有任何进展,无奈强制重启了 SBS2011Std 服务器,重启完毕后发现与 Exhcange Server 相关的服务都被禁用了,于是再次启动 Windows Update,并重新更新 Update Rollup 2 补丁,这次算是顺利的完成了更新,待重启服务器后发现 Exchange Server 相关服务还是禁用状态,随即手工将其他更改为自动,并启动服务。
Exchange Server 故障惊魂才过,今天登录 SBS2011Std 服务器才在 Dashboard 中发现“网络基础摘要”中“更新”状态没有查询结果。 启动 Windows Server Update Services 控制台提示错误,检查了 IIS 才发现“WSUS 管理”站点时停止状态,当手动去启动它时提示错误“另一个程序正在使用此文件,进程无法访问。(异常来自 HRESULT : 0x80070020)”,如下图所示:
从错误信息判断,该故障是典型的端口被其他程序占用所导致的问题,为了搞清是哪个程序占用了端口,我们可以用 netstat 进行查找,为此执行如下命令行:
在查询结果中我们能得到如下图类似的结果,确认每条信息结尾的数字就是该程序的 PID,然后在任务管理器中通过 PID 即可定位程序。
从截图中我们能看到占用 WSUS 8530 端口的进程是“MSExchangeAB”即“Microsoft Exchange 通讯簿”服务,看来应该是之前安装了 Exchange Server 的更新导致 MSExchangeAB 端口变更,并占用了 WSUS 的 8530 端口,参考了“安装指南模板 - 客户端访问服务器”,尝试手工为 MSExhangeAB 指定静态端口,为此执行如下步骤:
启动“regedit”注册表编辑器,定位到“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\MSExchangeAB”,创建一个新项并命名为“Parameters”,再其下创建一个名为“RpcTcpPort”的字符串,并将值设置为“59596”,该值就是 MSExchangeAB 的端口,当然也可以指定为其他不受冲突的端口。修改完毕后重启 MSExchangeAB 服务。
重新在 IIS 里启动“WSUS 管理”站点,故障消除!在恢复正常后,我们可以把之前设置的 MSExchangeAB 静态端口删除。
[SBS] 新一代 SBS Essentials 由 Windows Server 2012 Essentials 替代
新一代 Windows Small Business Server Essentials 将由 Windows Server 2012 Essentials 替代
众所周知 Windows Server 2012 SKUs 去除了之前很多的版本,而微软也表示之前的一些产品将不再更新,如:Windows Home Server。
因为 gOxiA 参与的一个项目(NDA)涉及到 Windows Small Business server(SBS),所以对 SBS 尤为关注,从此次微软公布的 Windows Server 2012 SKUs 来看,并未提到 SBS 2012,个人猜测可能是因为某些原因吧,但是紧接着 SBS 官方 Blog 公布了一条消息 Windows Small Business Server Essentials becomes Windows Server 2012 Essentials,确实是意外!
SBS 竟然被纳入到了 Windows Server 2012 Essentials,虽然早先就知道 Next SBS 将不会再有 Standard 版本,而 SBS2011Std 将是微软中小企业服务器解决方案中最后一个标准版产品,但是却没想新的策略竟是如此,这不也意味着 SBS 产品将被终结?!但是目前 Next SBS 中一些功能都是面向解决方案的,且针对性很强,难不成 Windows Server 2012 Essentials 将提供这些功能特性?!实在是让人搞不懂,最终怎样只能拭目以待了……
- 如果之前购买的是 SA(Software Assurance)的 Small Business Server 2011 Essentials,那么将获得一个 Windows Server 2011 Essentials 授权许可。
- 如果是 SA 的 Small Business 2011 Standard,将获得一个 Windows Server 2012 Standard 和一个 Exchange Server Standard 2010 授权许可。
- 如果是 SA 的 Small Business 2011 Premium Add-on,将获得一个 Windows Server 2012 Standard 和一个 SQL Server 2012 Standard 授权许可。
结尾,趁 Small Business Server 2011 Standard 还没退市,该下手的就赶紧下手吧!
[SBS] Windows Server Solutions BPA 迎来2012年2月更新
Windows Server Solution BPA 迎来2012年2月更新
2012年2月微软再次更新了 Windows Server Solutions BPA,新添加了 46 个规则的检查及对应的解决方案。目前各 SKU 的总数分别为:
Small Business Server 2011 Standard Edition 143
Small Business Server 2011 Essentials 90
Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials 38
Windows MultiPoint Server 2011 7
下面是摘自官方 Blog 的更新说明:
Small Business Server 2011 Standard Edition
- ADWSStartModeSection - Active Directory Web Services is not set to the default start mode
- ADWSStartedSection - Active Directory Web Services is not started
- ADWSStartNameSection - Active Directory Web Services is not the default logon account
- ConsoleLogSection - The Console.Log file is larger than 1 GB in size
- NoChecksSection - You have completed {0} checks by using the Windows Server Solutions BPA
- ModelVersionSection - You are running Windows Server Solutions BPA version {0}
- SPSearchStartNameSection - SPSearch account not default account
- SPCentAdminAppPoolIdentitySection - The SharePoint Central Admin app pool is not using the spfarm account
- SPAcctPassValidSection - The username or password for one or more SharePoint managed account is not valid
- SPDBUpgradeSection - Use psconfig.exe to upgrade one or more SharePoint databases
- SPUpgradeSection - Use psconfig.exe to upgrade SharePoint
- RWALogSection - The RemoteAccess.log file is larger than 1 GB in size
- POP3LogSection - The POP3service.log file is larger than 1 GB in size
- SMTPRecLogSection - The SmtpReceive log directory is larger than 1 GB in size
- SMTPSendLogSection - The SmtpSend log directory is larger than 1 GB in size
- DefWebLogDirSection - Default Web site's log directory is over 1gb in size
- CompanywebLogDirSection - The Companyweb site log directory is over 1gb in size
- SBSSharePointLogDirSection - The log directory for the SBS SharePoint site is larger than 1 GB in size
- SAHomeMDBSection - The HomeMDB attribute is not set to the default value
- UpdateRollupSection - The most recent Update Rollup is not installed
- CASPortSection - CAS port not at default port 443
- CASSchemeSection - CAS scheme not default HTTPS
- CASAbsolutePathSection - CAS Absolute Path not default
- CASHostSection - CAS Host does not match
- OABHostSection - OAB Host does not match
- EWSHostSection - EWS Host does not match
- AutoHostSection - Autodiscover Host does not match
- OAnyHostSection - Outlook Anywhere Host does not match
- OAnyAuthMethodsSection - Outlook Anywhere authentication settings not default
- SSLBindingSection - No binding for SSL on all IP addresses
- DefWebSSLBindingSection - No binding for SSL on the Default Web Site
- CertExpirationSection - A certificate expires within 30 days
- CertSubjectSection - Certificate subject does not match the name configured by a wizard
- AutoDiscoverAuthSection - Authentication settings for the /autodiscover virtual directory are not default
- WebSvcAuthSection - Authentication settings for the /ews virtual directory are not default
- OABAuthSection - Authentication settings for the /OAB virtual directory are not default
- RPCAuthSection - Authentication settings for the /rpc virtual directory are not default
- RPCWithCertAuthSection - SSL settings for the /RPCWithCert virtual directory are not default
- MaxAllowedContentSection - Max allowed content length for the /Rpc virtual directory is not default
- MaxAllowedContentWithCertSection - Max allowed content length for the /RpcWithCert virtual directory is not default
- PathEnvVarSection - The Path environment variable is missing the Exchange Server bin directory
- ExchInstPathEnvVarSection - The ExchangeInstallPath environment variable is missing
- DupCNNameSection - One or more user accounts have duplicate CN names
- ConflictingWebSiteSection - A different web site is conflicting with the Default Web Site
Small Business Server 2011 Essentials
- ADWSStartModeSection - Active Directory Web Services is not set to the default start mode
- ADWSStartedSection - Active Directory Web Services is not started
- ADWSStartNameSection - Active Directory Web Services is not the default logon account
- NoChecksSection - You have completed {0} checks by using the Windows Server Solutions BPA
- ModelVersionSection - You are running Windows Server Solutions BPA version {0}
- RWALogSection - The RemoteAccess.log file is larger than 1 GB in size
- DefWebLogDirSection - Default Web site's log directory is over 1gb in size
- UpdateRollupSection - The most recent Update Rollup is not installed
- SSLBindingSection - No binding for SSL on all IP addresses
- DefWebSSLBindingSection - No binding for SSL on the Default Web Site
- CertExpirationSection - A certificate expires within 30 days
- CertSubjectSection - Certificate subject does not match the name configured by a wizard
- ConflictingWebSiteSection - A different web site is conflicting with the Default Web Site
Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials
- NoChecksSection - You have completed {0} checks by using the Windows Server Solutions BPA
- ModelVersionSection - You are running Windows Server Solutions BPA version {0}
- RWALogSection - The RemoteAccess.log file is larger than 1 GB in size
- DefWebLogDirSection - Default Web site's log directory is over 1gb in size
- UpdateRollupSection - The most recent Update Rollup is not installed
- SSLBindingSection - No binding for SSL on all IP addresses
- DefWebSSLBindingSection - No binding for SSL on the Default Web Site
- CertExpirationSection - A certificate expires within 30 days
- CertSubjectSection - Certificate subject does not match the name configured by a wizard
- ConflictingWebSiteSection - A different web site is conflicting with the Default Web Site
Windows MultiPoint Server 2011
- NoChecksSection - You have completed {0} checks by using the Windows Server Solutions BPA
- ModelVersionSection - You are running Windows Server Solutions BPA version {0}
- MMSUpdateRollupSection - An Update Rollup is not installed
- RDPUpdateSection - A recommended update is not installed
如需查看之前的更新说明可访问:Windows Server Solutions BPA Updated September 2011,Windows Server Solutions BPA(Best Practices Analyzer) 1.0 的下载地址是:http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=15556,在安装之前,必须先安装 Microsoft Baseline Configuration Analyzer 2.0,下载地址是:http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=16475。