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[Windows 7]解决 Thinkpad 指纹在 Build 7068 上的 80070005 故障
解决 Thinkpad 指纹在 Build 7068 上的 80070005 故障
最近 gOxiA 一直在试用 Windows 7 Beta Build 7068 64bit(请不要询问 gOxiA 此版本的来源),相比较之前的 Build 该版本更加快速,更加稳定,细节上更加完善,用于生产环境相信已经不是问题。Windows 7 beta 可谓是微软 Windows Beta 版本历史上最为稳定的,相信最终的 RTM 一定不会令广大用户失望。并且有消息称届时发布的 Windows 7 RC 将会有大惊喜,我们拭目以待!
回到正题,gOxiA 的 Thinkpad x60 1706-BM8 是一款支持生物识别技术——指纹识别(Fingerprint)的笔记本,早先在 Windows 7 Beta Build 7000 上安装 Lenovo 官方发布的 Fingerprint Software 并无太大问题,之后升级到最新版本后程序总是会意外关闭,在现在的 Windows 7 Beta Build 7068 上问题同样存在,查询了该指纹设备的生产厂家(UPEK)网站终于找到了能够运行在 Windows 7 的 Beta 版驱动,下载了基础版本进行了安装,一切顺利!安装到一半的时候会出现假暂停状态,不用理会耐心等待完成。最后完成安装,很意外没有提示重新启动!但是从控制面板的 Biometric Devices 进行配置时却出现了故障,当我单击“Manage your fingerprint data”输入当前帐号密码后,出现了“Open Session 80070005”的错误提示,My God!
随后找到了该指纹程序的安装目录“C:\Program Files\Protector Suite”手工执行“enroll.exe”还是一样的错误,按理来讲既然是 Design for Windows 7 的,那么驱动程序方面应该没有问题,该配置程序也不需要使用兼容性配置使其以 Windows Vista 模式运行,enroll 是用于为账户配置指纹的工具,应该涉及到高的权限,但是发现该工具图标上并未显示 UAC 提权的提示图案,难道还是 UAC 问题?!抱着试试的态度,进入 enroll 属性下的 Compatibilty(兼容性)选项卡,复选“Run this program as an administrator”设置,确定修改并重新运行该程序,系统出现 UAC 提权操作提示,确认后输入帐号密码,这次终于进入到了指纹录入界面,如下图所示。
至此,Windows 7 Beta 下的 Thinkpad 指纹问题终于得到了最终的解决。如果有遇到与 gOxiA 同样问题的朋友不妨一试。我们也期待着在下一个版本,这些问题都能得到各自厂家的修复和改进!
使用 UPEK 指纹的朋友如果需要原生的驱动程序可以从这个网址获取:http://www.upek.com/support/downloads/windows7/w7x64.asp
[Windows 7] Windows 7 开发历程版本介绍
以下信息来自互联网,gOxiA 无法证实其中部分版本的真伪,故不对以下信息做翻译介绍,提供在这里仅作为参考!
Milestone 1 (Build 6519 and 6574) - The first known Windows 7 build released to partners in Jan 2008. A second M1 release was identified as 6574 in a leaked video. [First review of 9519 here]
Milestone 2 (Build 6589) - M2 was demonstrated at the D6 conference and included the first changes to the taskbar.
Milestone 3 (Build 6780) - This version was released in Sept 2008 and included ribbon bar changes to some applications, but remained similar in appearance to Vista.
Build 6801 - Most current users of Windows 7 will be using this version, distributed at the Microsoft PDC.
Build 6933 - This version of Windows 7 was shown at PDC but not distributed. It contains the new taskbar which may appear in the final release
Build 6936 - Screenshots of this build have appeared around the net as leaked images.
Build 6948 - Official Windows blogs have released further screenshots identified with build 6948.
Build 6954 - Rumors suggest that build 6954 contains a new animated bootscreen which OEMs can customise.
Build 6956 - This version of Windows 7 was leaked around 6th December 2008, appearing as a VHD from a Chinese Windows conference.
Build 7000 - Beta 1 of Windows 7, released to the Technet and MSDN subscribers in early January 2009. [Review here] Released to general public on 9th Jan 2009 with filenames:
32 Bit : 7000.0.081212-1400_client_en-us_Ultimate-GB1CULFRE_EN_DVD.iso
64 Bit : 7000.0.081212-1400_client_en-us_Ultimate-GB1CULXFRE_EN_DVD.ISO
Build 7022 - A popular leaked build that includes some slight performance improvements over Beta 1. IE8 is updated to RC1, the pain application has changed and there are some icon changes.
Build 7025 - This build appeared on a Chinese blog [here] and appears to contain additional features, such as edition selection (Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Business and Ultimate).
Build 7032 - Compiled on January 29th 2009, this build seems to be a minor change over previous releases.
Build 7048 - 最新的一个内部版本,支持卸载 IE8,提供更多新的桌面背景,以及其他的新改进。
识别 ISA Server 的版本号
ISA Server 上我们从产品关于信息中能够看到当前的版本号码,但是却很难确定该版本号码所对应的版本名称。今天 gOxiA 从 Forefront TMG(ISA Server) Product Team Blog 看到了 ISA Server 版本号的说明,特记录至此作为备忘,便于今后使用。
ISA Server 2000 (SE and EE)
RTM 3.0.1200.50
SP1 3.0.1200.166
FP1 3.0.1200.235
SP2 3.0.1200.365
Latest HotFix (not accumulated) 1200.443
ISA Server 2004 SE
BETA 4.0.2161.153
RTM 4.0.2161.50
SP1 4.0.2163.213
SP2 4.0.2165.594
SP3 4.0.2167.887
Latest HotFix (accumulated) 2167.905
ISA 2004 EE
BETA 4.0.3437.63
RTM 4.0.3439.50
SP2 4.0.3443.594
SP3 4.0.3445.887
Latest HotFix (accumulated) 3445.905
ISA Server 2006 EE/SE
RTM 5.0.5720.100
Supportability 5.0.5721.240
SP1 5.0.5723.493
latest hotfix 5.0.5723.507