其中Winmag Forum上的cocozhu朋友提供了一篇Blog
心血来潮安装测试了Live Communications Server 2005 企业中文版
今天下午突然心血来潮,决定安装一下Live Communications Server 2005企业中文版(以下简称:LCS2005)看看,因为之前安装过LCS2003感觉也难度并不大所以就直接VM了一个2003企业版,并建立了AD,安装了MSSQL2000SP4,启动LCS2005安装程序,选择了创建企业池,安装确实变得很人性化,只需要一步一步执行就可以了,只是在创建企业池时被卡着了,后来看看webcast才明白其含义。企业池就是创建一个或多个LCS服务器,并存储到数据库服务器上。之后顺利通过,并完成所有安装,根据webcast中的提示,进入DNS创建了我的企业池中创建的那个服务器的名字A记录,在Windows messenger下配置测试成功,后来因为感觉明文传送不是很安全,之后安装了企业CA,在证书模版中创建了一个LCS Server TLS Conn的证书模版,创建完成后需要进入其属性下的常规页中复选“在Active Directroy中颁发证书”这点至关重要,并将“使用者名称”页板下的“在请求中提供”选中,另外也可以选中“处理请求”页下的“允许导出私匙”。之后并将其用在计算机证书上,其中需要注意,name下需要填写LCS池的完整名称如,并且要复选将证书存储在本地计算机上。进入LCS2005管理器,增加TLS协议并添加这个证书后完成。
后来在测试为用户自动配置连接时出现了问题,我们一般在配置Windows messenger时都是需要手工填写SIP地址和协议的,但是通过DNS我们可以为用户添加SRV记录,这样用户可以选择用自动配置来连接SIP,可是在我测试的这台VM中,DNS下并没有_TLS协议和_SIP服务,我尝试创建,但是客户端还是连接不上,只能求助别人了。
DebugDiag 1.0
从微软MVP:Bernard Cheah先生那里得知微软发布了一款新工具,用来调试维修IIS,这为IIS管理员带来了惊喜和福音。
**Microsoft releases Debug Diagnostics 1.0 - Release Candidate 1**
Microsoft is working diligently on a new tool designed to make the life easier for IIS administrators and developers who are tasked with solving complex problems such as crashes, hangs, or memory leaks. The tool, called Debug Diagnostics 1.0, is the next generation debugging utility that extends on the functionality of previous tools such as IIS Debug Toolkit 1.1, Debug Matrix, and IIS State. This tool will be the only fully supported tool for debugging applications that run on IIS upon release and is supported on the IIS 4.0, 5.0, 5.1, and 6.0 platforms.
To join the beta and provide invaluable feedback to the designers,
please do the following -
1. Go to
2. Login in with your passport id.
3. Login using the guest ID "DebugDiag" (it's case sensitive)
4. Click on the "IIS Debug Diagnostic Tool" link.
5. On the left hand side expand survey and select "IIS Debug Diagnostic Tool Nomination Form"
Note: if the customer only wants DebugDiag and doesn't want to sign up for the beta they can do this by selecting "Click here to download IIS Debug Diagnostic Tool" from the File Downloads section.
*You may be prompted to install an activeX control
This tool is also receiving full support via newsgroups which are available by doing the following -
To access WebNews newsgroups:
1. Connect to
3. For account name, enter "<Your Beta ID>"
4. Enter your Newsgroup Password (if you do not have a Newsgroup password - you can create it on BetaPlace by selecting Modify Your Info from the top navigation bar). Click OK.
5. Select the Program Name or particular newsgroup on the left pane to access.
To provide bug and customer feedback, please open bugs via the using your Microsoft Passport. It would be incredibly powerful for us to get your feedback and make a true difference in your lives and Microsoft's.