
Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2008 Update 1 unifies the tools and processes required for desktop and server deployment into a common deployment console and collection of guidance. The fourth generation deployment accelerator adds integration with recently released Microsoft deployment technologies to create a single path for image creation and automated installation. MDT’s tools and end-to-end guidance reduce deployment time, standardize desktop and server images, limit service disruptions, reduce post-deployment help desk costs, and improve security and ongoing configuration management.

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit technologies eliminate interaction time required to install desktop and server operating systems. Interaction at the targeted computer may take a few moments using the Lite Touch Installation (LTI) method or it can be completely automated using Zero Touch Installation (ZTI). Zero Touch Installation utilizes Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 or Systems Management Server 2003 with the Operating System Deployment Feature Pack. Lite Touch Installation can be used when software distribution tools are not in place.
Microsoft Deployment Tookit 2008 Update 1 also uses Configuration Manager 2007’s stand-alone media-initiated operating system deployment feature. This release offers project management guidance for all deployment roles and separates technical documentation for the products and technologies to facilitate automation tasks.

What’s New in MDT 2008 Update 1?
MDT 2008 Update 1 includes new capability for OEM preload scenarios, a revised System Center Operations Manager Management Pack, bug fixes, and revised documentation. This updated version provides guidance in the .chm help file format only. If you need the guidance in .doc file format, you can download it here.

MDT 2008 Update 1 enables deployment of the following Microsoft products:
  • Windows Vista Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate (32 and 64 bit) RTM and SP1
  • Office Professional, Professional Plus, Enterprise, and Ultimate 2007
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Server 2003 R2 (32 and 64 bit)
  • Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 and Service Pack 3 (32 and 64 bit) or Windows XP Tablet PC Edition

Choosing the Right Version
Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2008 Update 1 is offered in two versions to support Solution Accelerator component installation on x64 or x86 hosts. Select the version that corresponds with your host hardware type. Both versions of Microsoft Deployment Toolkit support deployment of x86 and x64 Windows operating systems.

The Quick Start and Getting Started guides for MDT 2008 Update 1 are available as a separate download on this page for those who want to quickly evaluate MDT by viewing condensed, step-by-step instructions for using it to install Windows operating systems.

Send questions or feedback to us directly at SATfdbk@microsoft.com

        我所维护的一家以外贸进出口为主要业务的小型公司部署了一套 Windows Small Business Server 2003,其中 Exchange Server 是该公司的主要业务系统,用于与国外客户进行业务往来的重要工具之一,之前由于总是受到垃圾邮件的骚扰,故安装了一套 ORF 进行有效的垃圾邮件防御与过滤,由于项目审批的周期原因,在该软件评估版到期后,资金仍未下来,虽然 ORF 过期,日志中也提示要求卸载,但其实应该不会影响 Exchange 的正常收发邮件收发,可是最近的几天却频频接到部分用户邮件无法正常收发的 Desktop Help Case,起初从日志及邮件跟踪中并未发现异常。
        但是今天临近中午时接到了紧急事务通知,Exchange 彻底当机了,赶紧 Remote Desktop 过去,发现“第一存储组”下的“公共文件夹存储”和“邮箱存储”全部 Crash,而且无法重新载入!并且发现 ORF 也被卸载了,经过询问发现是另外一个维护人员发现邮件无法正常收发,于是卸载了 ORF,并强调在卸载前该问题已经出现。随即查看日志,发现几天前的日志中就开始出现自动备份失败和 Exchange 相关的警告错误日志,从日志来看近几天中 Exchange 极其不稳定,最终彻底 Crash!以下是相关的日志来源及ID:
MSExchangeAL : 8026 & 8250
MSExchangeDAAcces : 2102
MSExchangeSA : 1005 & 9175
ESE : 486 & 413 & 492 & 471 & 455
MSExchangeIS : 9558 & 1159 & 9518
MSExchangeISPubl : 1115
        从日志描述来分析,初步从 ESE 和 MSExchangeSA 两个来源入手,参考了 KB896143 ,发现事务日志 E00.log 被病毒防火墙删除,由于被发现感染了病毒,导致事务日志与存储组验证无法保持一致,最终存储组 Crash 掉!之后参考 KB320705 ,使用 “Eseutil.exe”和“Isinteg.exe”对存储数据库进行了修复,最终存储组重新 Mount Online!警报得以解除……

重回 微软产品认证专家 考试

[ 2008/07/27 18:08 | by gOxiA ]
微软产品认证专家(MCP)还是在2001年5月考的,当时过了 NT4.0 的 MCP,刚刚及格!惭愧!时隔7年又要再考一次。切实我个人现在对这些并不敢兴趣,MCP 是一种资格认证,确实非常有必要,不过本人一向讨厌考试从上学那会儿就是!固然对认证考试一类的也不再那么兴致傲然!
这次备战还是因为6月份参加了一次培训,总部方面给送了一张考试代金卷价格不菲,所以再三考虑还是用了为好,过期作废不用浪费!而且 NT4 那陈年的 MCP 认证也确实拿不出手,现在都过去几代产品了!在某些情况下,认证资格还是非常有必要的,而且根据自己的工作需求恐怕要拿到不少认证或一直升级才可!干哪一行都不容易!特别是正规的去做……
拿到代金卷当然先到网上选择当地的考场,并注册考试,GOD!本人的考试 ID 竟然给忘记了,邮件查找也无济于事,联系了当地的考场他们也不是很了解,不过说应该可以找回,不过需要提供什么证明方可……本来今天准备去趟考场,因为某些原因只能滞后。
是考 Windows Vista 还是 Windows Server 2008 还在犹豫中,不过看情况不妙好像本地考场都未开始提供着几门的考试,无奈了!抽时间还是先去考场落实了再说吧……
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