Microsoft Advertising

[ 2009/03/12 10:57 | by gOxiA ]
        从 Steve Clayton 那里看到了微软的一个广告片,特转载至此与大家分享。
<a href="" target="_new" title="Microsoft Advertising Intro">Video: Microsoft Advertising Intro</a>

windows-7 Windows 7 Build Numbers

        以下信息来自互联网,gOxiA 无法证实其中部分版本的真伪,故不对以下信息做翻译介绍,提供在这里仅作为参考!

Milestone 1 (Build 6519 and 6574) - The first known Windows 7 build released to partners in Jan 2008. A second M1 release was identified as 6574 in a leaked video. [First review of 9519 here]
Milestone 2 (Build 6589) - M2 was demonstrated at the D6 conference and included the first changes to the taskbar.
Milestone 3 (Build 6780) - This version was released in Sept 2008 and included ribbon bar changes to some applications, but remained similar in appearance to Vista.
Build 6801 - Most current users of Windows 7 will be using this version, distributed at the Microsoft PDC.
Build 6933 - This version of Windows 7 was shown at PDC but not distributed. It contains the new taskbar which may appear in the final release
Build 6936 - Screenshots of this build have appeared around the net as leaked images.
Build 6948 - Official Windows blogs have released further screenshots identified with build 6948.
Build 6954 - Rumors suggest that build 6954 contains a new animated bootscreen which OEMs can customise.
Build 6956 - This version of Windows 7 was leaked around 6th December 2008, appearing as a VHD from a Chinese Windows conference.
Build 7000 - Beta 1 of Windows 7, released to the Technet and MSDN subscribers in early January 2009. [Review here] Released to general public on 9th Jan 2009 with filenames:
32 Bit : 7000.0.081212-1400_client_en-us_Ultimate-GB1CULFRE_EN_DVD.iso
64 Bit : 7000.0.081212-1400_client_en-us_Ultimate-GB1CULXFRE_EN_DVD.ISO
Build 7022 - A popular leaked build that includes some slight performance improvements over Beta 1. IE8 is updated to RC1, the pain application has changed and there are some icon changes.
Build 7025 - This build appeared on a Chinese blog [here] and appears to contain additional features, such as edition selection (Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Business and Ultimate).
Build 7032 - Compiled on January 29th 2009, this build seems to be a minor change over previous releases.
Build 7048 - 最新的一个内部版本,支持卸载 IE8,提供更多新的桌面背景,以及其他的新改进。

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        微软最有价值专家全球峰会 2009(Microsoft MVP Global Summit 2009)已经在微软总部拉开帷幕。很可惜因为意外情况 gOxiA 无法参加本年度的全球峰会,希望来年能有机会……

        关注此次盛会的朋友可以从 了解到都有哪些地方的 MVP 前往西雅图参加峰会。同时我也会密切关注着此次峰会的最新情况。


        Microsoft MVP Global Summit 2009 的官方站点是:

        Microsoft MVP Global Summit Blog:MVP Global Summit Blog

        Microsoft MVP Aware Program Blog:

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