
微软发布 Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 8450

        今天微软通过 Microsoft Download Center 发布了 Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 的最新版本 MDT 8450,本次更新支持最新版的 Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit(ADK)以及 Windows 10,即 1709(10.1.16299.15),同时也支持 Configuration Manager v1710,整体改进了 Windows 10 的部署和升级。

        在 Microsoft Deployment Toolkit Team Blog 上也发布了 MDT 8450 的修订说明。质量改进方面解决了不少已知的 Bug,具体的界面和功能体验还有待测试。

  • Quality updates (titles of bug fixes)
    • Win10 Sideloaded App dependencies and license not installed
    • CaptureOnly task sequence doesn't allow capturing an image
    • Error received when starting an MDT task sequence: Invalid DeploymentType value "" specified. The deployment will not proceed
    • ZTIMoveStateStore looks for the state store folder in the wrong location causing it to fail to move it
    • xml contains a simple typo that caused undesirable behavior
    • Install Roles & Features doesn't work for Windows Server 2016 IIS Management Console feature
    • Browsing for OS images in the upgrade task sequence does not work when using folders
    • MDT tool improperly provisions the TPM into a Reduced Functionality State (see KB 4018657 for more information)
    • Updates to ZTIGather chassis type detection logic
    • Upgrade OS step leaves behind SetupComplete.cmd, breaking future deployments
    • Includes updated Configuration Manager task sequence binaries

        相对于近期呼声较高的现代化 IT 交付技术 - Windows AutoPilot,不少用户产生了疑虑,MDT 是否会被终结?!而这次 MDT 8450 的发布说明中给出了解答,MDT 团队明确了会对这个免费部署工具的持续交付。

        MDT 8450 支持在现有 MDT 上进行升级,一路覆盖安装,在过程中使会通过对比文件 Hash 进行替换,而一些被修改过的文件和必要文件会自动执行备份,之后打开 MDT 管理器会要求对部署节点进行升级,如果一切顺利,最后可以再对部署点执行 Update,重新生成 Litetouch Boot 去替换 WDS 已经导入的 Boot WIM。



        根据目前初步的测试,MDT 8450 仍旧支持 Windows 7 的部署,所以适合广大的企业IT环境。但是对于国内这种多分区,或固态+机械硬盘且多分区的复杂环境,默认支持或称为流程,还是存在一些问题的,存在差异理论这是问题的根源!


HOWTO: 获取已安装的 Windows Update 列表

        在进行桌面标准化的系统更新补丁阶段,需要对客户端从 Windows Update 或内部 WSUS 安装补丁的相关数据进行整理汇总,便于后续的测试和评估,以确保生成适用于当前企业IT环境的系统版本,打造出卓越的黄金映像。既然要进行整理汇总,就需要将更新的补丁列表导出至文件,但是在“查看更新历史记录”和“已安装更新”中都没有提供导出视图列表的功能。



        还好通过 Windows 命令行能够实现,在 PowerShell 下提供了 Get-Hotfix 能够列出当前系统已经安装的更新补丁,如果列表的数据并非我们所需要的那样,可以通过参数自己指定要收集的信息。


        例如,gOxiA 需要收集更新补丁的安装时间、当前计算机名、更新补丁KB号、更新补丁类型,以及更新补丁的说明网址,那么可以使用 PowerShell 命令行“Get-Hotfix |select-object installedon,csname,hotfixid,description,caption”,之后在利用管道通过 Export-csv 输出为 CSV 格式文档。


        此外,我们也可以使用 WMIC 提供的 qfe 命令参数进行处理,命令行非常简单"wmic qfe list /format:csv > c:\WAU_List.csv",相比较起来 Get-Hotfix 更灵活,但是 WMIC 便捷性更强些。


        导出后的 CSV 可以利用 Excel 2016 内置的 PowerBI 功能通过查询方式从 CSV 中提取数据进行分析和列表的完善。


Windows KMS Client Setup Keys

[ 2017/11/28 14:10 | by gOxiA ]



Windows Server, version 1709

Operating system editionKMS Client Setup Key
Windows Server Datacenter6Y6KB-N82V8-D8CQV-23MJW-BWTG6
Windows Server StandardDPCNP-XQFKJ-BJF7R-FRC8D-GF6G4

Windows Server 2016

Operating system editionKMS Client Setup Key
Windows Server 2016 DatacenterCB7KF-BWN84-R7R2Y-793K2-8XDDG
Windows Server 2016 StandardWC2BQ-8NRM3-FDDYY-2BFGV-KHKQY
Windows Server 2016 EssentialsJCKRF-N37P4-C2D82-9YXRT-4M63B

Windows 10, version 1709

Operating system editionKMS Client Setup Key
Windows 10 Professional WorkstationNRG8B-VKK3Q-CXVCJ-9G2XF-6Q84J
Windows 10 Professional Workstation N9FNHH-K3HBT-3W4TD-6383H-6XYWF

Windows 10

Operating system editionKMS Client Setup Key
Windows 10 ProfessionalW269N-WFGWX-YVC9B-4J6C9-T83GX
Windows 10 Professional NMH37W-N47XK-V7XM9-C7227-GCQG9
Windows 10 EnterpriseNPPR9-FWDCX-D2C8J-H872K-2YT43
Windows 10 Enterprise NDPH2V-TTNVB-4X9Q3-TJR4H-KHJW4
Windows 10 EducationNW6C2-QMPVW-D7KKK-3GKT6-VCFB2
Windows 10 Education N2WH4N-8QGBV-H22JP-CT43Q-MDWWJ
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSBWNMTR-4C88C-JK8YV-HQ7T2-76DF9
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB N2F77B-TNFGY-69QQF-B8YKP-D69TJ
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSBDCPHK-NFMTC-H88MJ-PFHPY-QJ4BJ
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB NQFFDN-GRT3P-VKWWX-X7T3R-8B639

Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1

Operating system editionKMS Client Setup Key
Windows 8.1 ProfessionalGCRJD-8NW9H-F2CDX-CCM8D-9D6T9
Windows 8.1 Professional NHMCNV-VVBFX-7HMBH-CTY9B-B4FXY
Windows 8.1 EnterpriseMHF9N-XY6XB-WVXMC-BTDCT-MKKG7
Windows 8.1 Enterprise NTT4HM-HN7YT-62K67-RGRQJ-JFFXW
Windows Server 2012 R2 Server StandardD2N9P-3P6X9-2R39C-7RTCD-MDVJX
Windows Server 2012 R2 DatacenterW3GGN-FT8W3-Y4M27-J84CP-Q3VJ9
Windows Server 2012 R2 EssentialsKNC87-3J2TX-XB4WP-VCPJV-M4FWM

Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8

Operating system editionKMS Client Setup Key
Windows 8 ProfessionalNG4HW-VH26C-733KW-K6F98-J8CK4
Windows 8 Professional NXCVCF-2NXM9-723PB-MHCB7-2RYQQ
Windows 8 Enterprise32JNW-9KQ84-P47T8-D8GGY-CWCK7
Windows 8 Enterprise NJMNMF-RHW7P-DMY6X-RF3DR-X2BQT
Windows Server 2012BN3D2-R7TKB-3YPBD-8DRP2-27GG4
Windows Server 2012 N8N2M2-HWPGY-7PGT9-HGDD8-GVGGY
Windows Server 2012 Single Language2WN2H-YGCQR-KFX6K-CD6TF-84YXQ
Windows Server 2012 Country Specific4K36P-JN4VD-GDC6V-KDT89-DYFKP
Windows Server 2012 Server StandardXC9B7-NBPP2-83J2H-RHMBY-92BT4
Windows Server 2012 MultiPoint StandardHM7DN-YVMH3-46JC3-XYTG7-CYQJJ
Windows Server 2012 MultiPoint PremiumXNH6W-2V9GX-RGJ4K-Y8X6F-QGJ2G
Windows Server 2012 Datacenter48HP8-DN98B-MYWDG-T2DCC-8W83P

Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2

Operating system editionKMS Client Setup Key
Windows 7 ProfessionalFJ82H-XT6CR-J8D7P-XQJJ2-GPDD4
Windows 7 Professional NMRPKT-YTG23-K7D7T-X2JMM-QY7MG
Windows 7 Professional EW82YF-2Q76Y-63HXB-FGJG9-GF7QX
Windows 7 Enterprise33PXH-7Y6KF-2VJC9-XBBR8-HVTHH
Windows 7 Enterprise NYDRBP-3D83W-TY26F-D46B2-XCKRJ
Windows 7 Enterprise EC29WB-22CC8-VJ326-GHFJW-H9DH4
Windows Server 2008 R2 Web6TPJF-RBVHG-WBW2R-86QPH-6RTM4
Windows Server 2008 R2 HPC editionTT8MH-CG224-D3D7Q-498W2-9QCTX
Windows Server 2008 R2 StandardYC6KT-GKW9T-YTKYR-T4X34-R7VHC
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise489J6-VHDMP-X63PK-3K798-CPX3Y
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter74YFP-3QFB3-KQT8W-PMXWJ-7M648
Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-based SystemsGT63C-RJFQ3-4GMB6-BRFB9-CB83V

Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008

Operating system editionKMS Client Setup Key
Windows Vista BusinessYFKBB-PQJJV-G996G-VWGXY-2V3X8
Windows Vista Business NHMBQG-8H2RH-C77VX-27R82-VMQBT
Windows Vista EnterpriseVKK3X-68KWM-X2YGT-QR4M6-4BWMV
Windows Vista Enterprise NVTC42-BM838-43QHV-84HX6-XJXKV
Windows Web Server 2008WYR28-R7TFJ-3X2YQ-YCY4H-M249D
Windows Server 2008 StandardTM24T-X9RMF-VWXK6-X8JC9-BFGM2
Windows Server 2008 Standard without Hyper-VW7VD6-7JFBR-RX26B-YKQ3Y-6FFFJ
Windows Server 2008 EnterpriseYQGMW-MPWTJ-34KDK-48M3W-X4Q6V
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise without Hyper-V39BXF-X8Q23-P2WWT-38T2F-G3FPG
Windows Server 2008 HPCRCTX3-KWVHP-BR6TB-RB6DM-6X7HP
Windows Server 2008 Datacenter7M67G-PC374-GR742-YH8V4-TCBY3
Windows Server 2008 Datacenter without Hyper-V22XQ2-VRXRG-P8D42-K34TD-G3QQC
Windows Server 2008 for Itanium-Based Systems4DWFP-JF3DJ-B7DTH-78FJB-PDRHK
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