今天尝试在 Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1 下安装 Redhat Linux Fedora 7 ,能够正常引导并进入安装向导,可是一旦有磁盘读写操作,那将是一场噩梦,整个宿主系统出现冻死,你必须等啊等啊,等到 Linux 安装向导提示下一步的时候才能开始操作,面对这噩梦,我当即立决停止了安装。

      看来微软并不打算让自己的虚拟机产品支持Linux,并且彻彻底底的不支持!说实话我很喜欢用微软的虚拟机产品,并且在我的系统中只安装Virtual PC/Server,可是由于一些问题我还是需要虚拟运行xNIX系统的,这样以来我不得不在我的系统中在安装上VMware的产品。郁闷!

期待已久的 Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1 已经正式发布,但还是很遗憾没有对Linux正式支持。不过从诸多的新特性和功能来看,VSRV2005R2SP1的改进还是不小的。



Hardware-assisted virtualization

Supports both Intel Virtualization Technology (Intel VT) and AMD Virtualization (AMD-V) hardware-assisted virtualization.

VHD Mount Command-line Tool and APIs

Provides the ability to mount a virtual hard disk file (.vhd file) as a virtual disk device on another operating system.

Support for Volume Shadow Copy Service

Allows back-up of Virtual Server and its running virtual machines without needing to install backup agents inside the guest operating system of the virtual machines.

Larger default size for dynamically expanding virtual hard disks

The default size for dynamically expanding virtual hard disks has been changed from 16 GB to 127 GB, making the VHD file format even more useful for enterprise production, test, and disaster-recovery workloads.

Support for greater than 64 virtual machines on x64-based hosts

Virtual Server can run more than 64 virtual machines on x64-based hosts. The 64 virtual machine limit remains when running on 32-bit hosts.

Host clustering step-by-step guide

Host clustering allows you to extend the high-availability benefits of clustering to non-cluster-aware applications and workloads.

Virtual SCSI fix for Linux guests

This fix resolves an issue some customers encountered when trying to install certain Linux distributions inside a virtual machine on the emulated SCSI bus.

VMRC ActiveX control and Internet Explorer Security Zones

The Virtual Machine Remote Control (VMRC) ActiveX control now uses the security zone information in Internet Explorer to determine whether to prompt you for your credentials when you load the control.

Service Publication using Active Directory Service Connection Points

Virtual Server service now publishes its binding information in Active Directory as a Service Connection Point (SCP) object.


修改 Virtual PC 2007 的显存大小

[ 2007/04/29 23:44 | by gOxiA ]

    Virtual PC 2007 默认的显存大小是8M,其实已经足够,不过如果宿主机器的配置很高,而又希望虚拟机系统的显卡内存大些,可以通过修改虚拟机的配置文件.vmc来增加显存,不过根据测试,虚拟机最大的显存只支持到16M,而且增加显存后,虚拟机占用的资源也会越大。具体的方法如下,用记事本打开虚拟机配置文件,其扩展名应该是.vmc,之后修改其下数据,将8改为16:

<vram_size type="integer">8</vram_size>
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