[转载] Top Support Solutions for Windows 8 or 8.1
Top Support Solutions for Windows 8 or 8.1
1. Solutions related to installing Windows updates or hotfixes:
- Repair a Windows Image
- Fixing component store corruption in Windows 8 and Windows
- Troubleshoot problems with installing updates
- How do I reset Windows Update components?
- "Failure configuring Windows updates. Reverting changes. Do not turn off your computer" error when you try to install Windows updates
- Error 0x800B0100 when you try to install Windows Updates or Microsoft Updates
- Windows Update freezes when you install updates in Windows 8, Windows 7, or Windows Vista
- Temporary connection-related errors may occur when you use Windows Update or Microsoft Update
- Error 0x80070424 occurs when you use Windows Update, Microsoft Update, or Windows Firewall
- Error Code 0x80073712 occurs in Windows Update or Microsoft Update
- Error 0x80070005 in Windows Update when you try to install updates
- How to fix errors found in the CheckSUR.log
- Windows Update error 0x800b0100
- How to enable .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 8 in Offline Mode
- Installing the .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 8 or 8.1
- FAQ - Microsoft Windows Help
2. Solutions related to installing or upgrading Windows:
- Windows 8.1 or Windows RT 8.1 upgrade information is not displayed as expected in Windows Store
- Duplicate files in a symbolic link folder after you upgrade from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1
- Upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 8 fails when the Intel Smart Response Technology is enabled
- A Windows 8 installation may not start if you use a DVD that was burned from a Microsoft Store download (ISO image)
- Upgrade to Windows 8.1 fails, and the system is rolled back to its previous state
- Windows 8 upgrade process fails on a computer has a large volume without a drive letter
3. Solutions related to wireless networking and 802.1X authentication:
- Windows 8 may not be able to connect to some Cisco routers
- Wireless devices are disabled after you turn off Airplane Mode in Windows 8.1 or Windows 8
- How to change a specific Wi-Fi settings in Windows 8
- How to enable persistent tracing for a wireless LAN in Windows
4. Solutions related to routing Windows V3Windows Security TechnologiesBitLocker:
- A Windows 8-based client computer does not use the BitLocker Network Unlock feature
- Stop error when you defragment a Bitlocker-encrypted drive on a Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012-based computer
- Windows RT, Windows 8, and Windows Server 2012 update rollup: October 2013
- How to enable BitLocker device encryption on Windows 8 RT
- Win8: Security: Device wipe and device lock behavior across operating system versions and devices
- BitLocker: Use BitLocker Recovery Password Viewer
- Use BitLocker Drive Encryption Tools to manage BitLocker
- BitLocker Basic Deployment
- BitLocker Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- What are the BitLocker hardware and software requirements?
- BitLocker: How to enable Network Unlock
- BitLocker Recovery Guide
5. Solutions related to “Cannot activate Windows’:
- Windows activation fails and may generate error code 0x8004FE33
- Error 0x8007232b or 0x8007007B occurs when you try to activate Windows
- Why can't I activate Windows?
- "The specified database is not a valid VAMT database" error message when you try to create a database by using VAMT 3.0 on a Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012-based computer
6. Solutions related to networking or file sharing technologies
- Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Overview
- Windows Server Troubleshooting: "The RPC server is unavailable"
- RPC Endpoint Mapper in a network trace
- Create Inbound Rules to Support RPC on Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2008 R2
7. Solutions related to Sysprep
- Unsupported Sysprep scenarios
- An error message occurs when you run "Sysprep /generalize" in Windows Vista or Windows 7: "A fatal error occurred while trying to Sysprep the machine"
- Summary of the limitations of the System Preparation tool
- Sysprep, SkipRearm, and Image Build Best Practices
8. Solutions related to Inbox apps such as Mail, Calendar, People, Photos, Messaging, and News
- Supporting Windows 8 Mail in your organization - Exchange Team Blog
- Using authenticated proxy servers together with Windows 8
9. Solutions related to Bugchecks, Stop errors, and unexpected restarts:
- Windows Memory Dump Collector
- Bug Check Code Reference (Windows Debuggers)
- USB devices stop working in Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012
- "0x0000007f" Stop error when you move the mouse pointer over nested windows in Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012
- Stop error when you insert a disc in Windows 8
- "0x0000009F" Stop error when a website turns on a webcam in Windows 8
- "0x000000C4" Stop error after you restart a Windows 7-based, Windows 8-based, Windows Server 2008 R2-based or Windows Server 2012-based computer that has the Driver Verifier tool enabled
- Window 8 may stop responding (hang) when multiple abort commands are sent to an embedded storage device
- Changing the ATA Drive setting in System Bios causes reboot loop on Windows 8
- A Bluetooth mouse or keyboard fails to reconnect after being left idle
10. Solutions related to Driver management
- Code 31 error in Device Manager for WAN Miniport (Network monitor) device in Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012
- Power Management for Network Devices in Windows 7
[IE]Internet Explorer 11 企业模式 - 部署
Internet Explorer 11 企业模式 - 部署
前面通过两篇文章“Internet Explorer 11 企业模式 - 概述”,“Internet Explorer 11 企业模式 - 管理”大家对 IE11 的 企业模式有了一定的认识,并且掌握了对企业模式的管理,今天我们将要学习如何实施和部署 IE11 企业模式。
默认环境下,用户访问网站的流程可理解为:在 IE 中输入 URL,然后 IE 与 URL 对应网站进行数据通信。
但是在启用 IE11 企业模式后,IE 会将收到的用户 URL 请求先提交到企业模式站点列表处进行查询比对,并获取该 URL 对应的是 Default Mode 还是 Enterprise Mode,然后才与对应网站进行数据通信。
所以要实施企业模式就需要配置客户端去查询这个 Enterprise Mode Site List(企业模式站点列表),这个列表可使用企业模式站点列表管理器进行创建和编辑,文件格式为 XML,IT 人员可将其部署到企业内部或外部的 Web Server 上,其访问路径类似为:http://emie.contoso.com/emie.xml。注意:将列表部署到外部 Web Server 上时应考虑是否涉及敏感数据的泄露问题,但是好处是用户即使在外部网络中也同样可以访问这个列表,毕竟列表中还会包括一些用户常用的外部网站,例如:xx网上银行、xx网上订票,等等一类的与IE11不完全兼容的网站!
企业模式站点列表部署完毕后,就需要为客户端进行配置,但是在 IE 上并未直接提供 IE11 企业模式的配置选项,它需要通过组策略进行部署配置。该配置选项位于组策略下:计算机配置 - 管理模板 - Windows 组件 – Internet Explorer - 使用企业模式 IE 网站列表。在启用该选项的同时还需要输入列表文件的位置。
在企业的域环境中,可以通过域组策略统一为域客户端进行部署,否则就需要单独在客户端上使用 gpedit.msc 进行配置,当然如果觉得使用 gpedit.msc 配置太繁琐还可以生成一个注册表文件供直接导入,参考如下:
[IE] Internet Explorer 11 企业模式 - 管理
Internet Explorer 11 企业模式 - 管理
在上文“Internet Explorer 11 企业模式 - 概述”,gOxiA 向大家简要介绍了 IE11 企业模式(IE11 Enterprise Mode)的主要功能和特性,如果您已经打算在IT环境中进行评估或部署,那么希望本文能提供有价值的参考和帮助。
微软为 IE11 企业模式提供了一个管理工具,以方便 IT 管理员能轻松、快速的管理和维护企业模式的网站列表。Enterprise Mode Site List Manager 可从微软下载中心免费下载。Enterprise Mode Site List Manager 的安装过程非常简单,只需一路 Next 无需更多的安装配置。
下图就是企业模式列表管理器的主界面,功能很简洁!在“File”菜单下,可以通过“Bulk add from file”附加之前部署的网站列表;因为部署企业模式网站列表所需的是 XML 格式文件,所以在打算部署时需要将其“Save to XML”;如果需要后续进行编辑或分享给其他 IT 管理员,可使用“Export”或“Import”。
要向企业模式列表中添加网站,需使用“Add”进行添加,在“URL”填入域名或网址,选中“Enterprise Mode”,然后点击“Save”即可。如果提示无法验证只管忽略继续添加。添加过的网站还可以重新编辑或删除,如果网站列表中存在众多数据,还可在“Search”中输入地址进行筛选。
当我们要批量添加很多个网站时,使用管理器一个一个添加会显得很没效率,那么可以参考前面提到的“Bulk add from file”来附加列表,该列表支持TXT和XML格式文件,如果是TXT格式,每个网址要使用逗号或回车来分隔,而XML格式则参考生成的文件格式即可。